Monday, June 4, 2012

A Glimpse of Me

1. I love to cook
2. I cry during movies and T.V. shows 
(for some reason I press my lips together when I feel I'm about to).
3. I like action movies more than romantic comedies
4. My favorite color is soft pink
5. I don't like shopping for long periods of time
6. I am VERY afraid of snakes 
7. One time I took care of 5 fish for two people...they all died
8. I use to talk in my sleep if I went to bed upset 
9. I wish I knew how to sing Jazz music
10. And I love almost all things vintage
*Thank you Jenn (wuthering iris)
for this idea. 

(photos courtesy of: weheartit)


  1. 1. you can fall asleep anywhere, anytime.
    2. you used to snore so loudly during bedtime, i'd have to throw my stuffed animals at you.

  2. Ah, ha ha!!! SO much about myself I had TRIED to forget:)


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